
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

An elderly jinn discloses a tip to stay healthy

Ubqari Magazine - February 2014

[QARI MUHAMMAD SADIQ-muzaffargarh]

On the night of 28th September 2004 there was a gathering arranged in Lahore solely for the purpose of Quranic recitation. I was in attendance too and had especially come for this event from Muzaffargarh to Lahore. Around 10, I was called on stage and following the Prophet Muhammad’s teaching that one must recite Quran in the true Arabic style, I recited the Quranic verses in the seeka style, hussani and hajazi style after which the whole crowd went very silent and tears also came into my eyes as the impact of the verses gave way to a feeling of Allah’s closeness. All of this was due to Allah’s blessings and the hard work of my teacher. After the ceremony had ended I had to leave for the journey back home as planned. But before I could leave I was interrupted by an old man, fair faced, white imamah on head,  wearing white clothes that were exactly according to the Prophet’s Sunnah, and he began his talk with a salaam to me and then praised my Qiraat saying that “Son! Your qir’at was a real pleasure to listen to and you recited with the correct makharij and sifaat. May Allah shower blessings on your knowledge, actions and life. After giving these prayers, the old man began to cry and kissed my forehead and hand and while crying even harder he pulled me close for a hug and sobbed on my shoulder. I asked the old man as to why he was crying so hard and he replied that lets go outside then I will tell you the reason. At that point I felt slight fearful of this old man whose eyes had grown swollen and red. He again said that lets move outside and do not fear me. But I persisted in my denial and asked the man his name and where he had come from. The man answered that bring your ear closer to me and then he whispered softly that I am a Muslim jinn and my name is Abdur-Rahman and while I was travelling from Afghanistan to Bangladesh I heard your recitation which was very eloquent in terms of the way the verses were spoken and it forced me to sit down in my human form and listen. It was then that I said that “Baba ji! You seem like a very knowledgeable person, to which he replied that yes, now let’s move outside. And after having located a cement bench, baba ji sat down and told me that he was a reciter of Quran too and a religious scholar as well. The elderly man also said that “I got a tip from my teacher that is helpful in staying healthy and I was given the advice to share this tip with any Muslim jinn or human that I liked. I asked a question from the old man that do you like me and he answered that of course, according to the saying of the prophet from amongst you he is better who learns Quran or teaches Quran. Amongst our community of jinn this hadith is interpreted to mean that the one who truly learns the correct manner of recitation that corresponds with the original Arabic way of oration is the better amongst us. Hence according to this hadith you are better and when the most beloved person says anything it is a sin to doubt its truth. A Muslim cannot have true faith until he loves Prophet Muhammad more than any person or anything on earth. I then requested the elderly jinn that please do tell the tip that you were about to mention. Baba ji said “but first promise that you would help spread this tip and I responded that yes surely I would follow this tip myself as well as spread it amongst others. He then said, Ok then listen to this tip very carefully: any woman who wishes to stay healthy always and stay protected from incurable diseases such as aids, diabetes, cancer, haemorrhoids, stomach ailments etc. should first of all offer Taubah for all their previous sins and negative thoughts for others, as well as decide to live their life according to the Sunnah of the prophet and also earn halal and always eat halal. Along with this whenever they ate anything they should make a dua that “Allah, make this food a source of nutrition for me such that I use that energy to work for your deen and worship you. Such a practice would always keep a person healthy and protected from any sort of disease.”

The Baba Ji gave me the gift of a Quran Paak, shook hands and went on his journey.

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